Service: Army – 2/8 Field Company
Service number: VX27781
Locality on Enlistment: Wattle Hill, Vic
Duration of Service: 24 Jun 1940 – 8 Aug 1941
Prisoner of War: Yes
Honours: None for display
Date and Place of Birth: 1903 Garvoc
Parents: David NEAVE and Mary Ann (Annie) TOLEMAN
Spouse: None
School/s: Wattle Hill SS
Occupation: Greenkeeper Mt Macedon Golf Club
Date and Place of Death: 8 Aug 1941 Salonika
Place of Burial: Phaleron War Cemetery, Athens

NOTES: Sapper Leslie David Neave was in the Royal Australian Engineers, 2/8th Field Company. He was taken as a prisoner of war in June 1941 whilst defending the island of Crete against German land and air invasions. He died from head wounds on August 8, only several months before his brother Donald’s battalion moved to Ambon, where he too became a prisoner of war and later died.